Friday, January 23, 2009

Let me clarify, it's not what it sounds like

Kids say the funniest things. We took the kids to get ice cream at Leatherbys the other day. Tyler took Garrett to the bathroom and as they returned, Garrett yelled, "Daddy went potty and missed"!! I started laughing as I saw a few heads turn in our direction. Tyler sat down and said, noooo, let me clarify. We went potty, I washed my hands, got a paper towel to dry my hands and threw it in the garbage and missed the garbage. Garrett was like, yeah and you missed!!!


Jen said...

Hilarious! I love reading about all of the funny things your kids say and do! That one is a classic!

Gina Hurst said...

Thats funny!! I love it!

katie k hymas said...

You'd think that after years of practice, Tyler wouldn't miss anymore... the garbage that is!

Suzie said...

Ya right Tyler....

velvetelement said...

I love Garrett, he is such a cutie!

Christina said...

Oh my goodness . . . that is a good one! I am so glad you put this on your blog!

Maren and Dustin said...

Nice... I bet that's the last time Tyler takes him to a public restroom!

Jen K. said...

That is really funny! Hey, I have tried to get in contact with you and it just isn't working! I found Tyler and left him a message on Facebook to let you know, but Alexis and I would like to get together and have lunch or a play date or something and we want you to come! I will be in SLC on Conference weekend and for a few days after, so we are thinking then. Please write me and let me know if you can make it any of those days, and what you think we should do.

Jen Hall Kajma

Kat said...

Hilarious!!! I can't get enough of kid stories and the awesome things they say. Keep em coming!!