The fingerprints on my wall will get higher and higher before they disappear....Cherish every moment!!!
Friday, October 17, 2008
Concerned little boy
So we took the kids to the state fair in September. We went into the cattle barn to see, well cows!! Garrett got this look on his face when he saw them milking one of the cows. For several days after that he wouldn't drink his milk because it comes from the cow's "butt".
Hi... I just have to tell you how excited Aspen was to see Garret at the daycare at the gym the other day. It was super cute, she jumped down and ran right over to him to play. It made me feel less bad for leaving her. katie hymas
Hey LeeAnn, I'm not sure if my memory is correct but I think your birthday is today (18th) or soon? So Happy Birthday today or soon :) Hope you have a good one.
Tyler and I met about 15 years ago in 9th grade. We were "just friends" for many years. In fact, it wasn't until he was gone on his mission that I realized that I loved him. Well, 15 years later here we are married for 8 years, 3 kids, 5 years of college and a mortgage later we couldn't be happier. Life is funny sometimes, be careful what you wish for. You might just get everything you've ever wanted!!!
Wisdom of our Children
Garrett was wearing a Jazz baseball cap the other day. Someone at McDonalds asked him who his favorite player was. Without skipping a beat, he replied, "my dad!!"
Garrett said, "Dad, Marshmellows make me happy." Later when we were telling family what he had said, he looked at Tyler and said, " what, marshmellows make everyone happy."
Garrett's solution to everything is "put a piece of tape on it" or "we need to buy some more"
He is too cute!
Too funny!! :) Jaden was standing next to me when I read this, he asked afterwards, "It comes from their butt?!" Luckily he didn't see the milking!
Kids say the darnest things, He has gotten so big. I tagged you by the way look on my blog for the questions
Hi... I just have to tell you how excited Aspen was to see Garret at the daycare at the gym the other day. It was super cute, she jumped down and ran right over to him to play. It made me feel less bad for leaving her.
katie hymas
I am glad he is back to drinking milk! Kids are great.
That is hilarious!!! I love it!
Oh my gosh...Hilarious!!!!
Hey LeeAnn, I'm not sure if my memory is correct but I think your birthday is today (18th) or soon? So Happy Birthday today or soon :) Hope you have a good one.
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