The fingerprints on my wall will get higher and higher before they disappear....Cherish every moment!!!
Monday, August 4, 2008
July 24th Fun
On the 24th of July, we went to the days of 47 parade. Our family loves parades. Tyler ran in the 10k that morning so we got a perfect spot outside of his work at Social Hall.
The best part of the parade was when President Monson drove past us and pointed right to Kyndra and complimented her on the head dress she was wearing. It was AWESOME!!! It sounds silly, but we were totally awe struck at what we had witnessed.
Tyler and I met about 15 years ago in 9th grade. We were "just friends" for many years. In fact, it wasn't until he was gone on his mission that I realized that I loved him. Well, 15 years later here we are married for 8 years, 3 kids, 5 years of college and a mortgage later we couldn't be happier. Life is funny sometimes, be careful what you wish for. You might just get everything you've ever wanted!!!
Wisdom of our Children
Garrett was wearing a Jazz baseball cap the other day. Someone at McDonalds asked him who his favorite player was. Without skipping a beat, he replied, "my dad!!"
Garrett said, "Dad, Marshmellows make me happy." Later when we were telling family what he had said, he looked at Tyler and said, " what, marshmellows make everyone happy."
Garrett's solution to everything is "put a piece of tape on it" or "we need to buy some more"
Ah . . . so sweet! She will never forget that the prophet spoke directly to her! He is so amazing!
What a great experience!
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